
lauantai 23. elokuuta 2014

Project "Infused vodka" part 1


"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."

Hello everyone! Working at a bar truly has its advantages. Two days ago a customer finished our Highland Park; Loki - bottle. I found the packaging so beautiful, I asked my manager if I could take the (now empty) bottle and its case with me home. She had no problem with it. But it gets better! Not only did I get this bottle but in our office there was another bottle of the "Valhalla" series Highland Park produced and namely Thor.

I crammed both in my backpack and headed home. First I thought using only the bottle in my role playing games BUT then realized the true beauty how I could use them; put my own infused vodka in them!

You might notice how there isn't any text on them. That's right, because I scraped them off! With a pair of scissors, the job was actually easier than I initially thought it would be. So now I got two extremely stunning looking bottles waiting for a content. I actually have two specific recipes in my mind. As soon as I make my online order (three bottles of smirnoff vodka [among others]), I start my work. But here are the recipes;


I found these two very interesting with lots of flavor.

I shall report more of this project as I get along with it. But now...we'll just wait.

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