
keskiviikko 28. joulukuuta 2016

Screwdriver p.2


The IBA version

I present you with probably one of the most entry-level classics of all time, the Screwdriver. A fancy name for a "vodka-orange juice" or "vodka-OJ", there's a lot more to it than what you would think! First, ratios. Don't make an "Orange juice - vodka". The drink is not supposed to be a mug with a dash of vodka and filled with OJ. Secondly, use quality orange juice! I can not stress this fact enough! IF you use a cheap OJ, your Screwdriver will turn out shit. I mean, the OJ makes two-thirds of the drink, so why not use the best money can buy?

So, how to make a proper Screwdriver as per IBA:
  • 5 cl vodka (don't bother using the most expensive but don't settle for the cheapest)
  • 10 cl quality orange juice
  • orange slice/wedge/twist to garnish
Build in a small tumbler filled with ice, garnish and serve. Now, as I don't require people to measure their orange juice exactly to be 10cl, a healthy ratio 1:2 (vodka/OJ) or even 1:1 is good. Moreover, if you insist on making this a bigger ("longer) drink, at least invest in quality orange juice :)

Actually, now that I think of it, I made this one before!!'s true! Check

one out.

See? In 2012 I made this using 1:3 ratios. I've gotten a lot wiser since that but still, even four years back I insisted on quality juice :D

Well played, me, well played.

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